ISO:37001 Anti-Bribery Management System certified by:

TREVISAN SRL is fully aware that the phenomenon of corruption represents a serious obstacle to the economic, political and social development of a country, as well as a serious distortion of the rules, fairness and transparency of the markets.

In this sense, the Organization prohibits corruption and fully feels the commitment to guarantee actions and behaviors based exclusively on criteria of transparency, fairness and moral integrity, which prevent any attempt at corruption.

Corruption Prevention Policy

PRO 08 - Anti-corruption procedure and reporting of suspicions

MOD 06 - ISO 37001 Requirements violation reporting form

ISO 37001 - Send your report

Fill out the form

Anyone may report in good faith, or on the basis of reasonable belief, any doubts or suspicions in relation to attempted, alleged and actual acts of corruption, or any violation of the Anti-Corruption Management System.

Reports, which can be sent by completing the form, even anonymously, will be processed by the “Compliance Function” in order to protect the identity of those involved or mentioned in the report. This form must be used exclusively for 37001 reports. Other types of reports will not be taken into consideration.

Description of the facts: