Specialists in the realization of Electrical Installations for the Railway Sector

Trevisan Srl, since 1961 in the railway electrification sector

Who we are

Our main services are addressed to railway infrastructure managers and railway companies, for the realization of Electric Traction and Railway Signalling systems.

TREVISAN S.r.l. is a dynamic and flexible company in terms of costs and decisions, but at the same time it is highly qualified and has a wide experience in electrification.

The company carries out continuous research for the optimization of intervention times and for the modernization of the means of work in order to guarantee a technological improvement in terms of greater productivity, safety and environmental protection.

Sixty years of growth and innovation An all-Italian story

Our history began in 1961, and since then we have grown with professionalism and passion, always distinguishing ourselves for reliability and competence, with a constant desire for improvement, growth and expansion, in an all-Italian story.

1961-1985 Origins

From 2000 onwards Evolution and

1986-1999 Development

Today Industry leader

Mission and values

TREVISAN S.r.l. operates almost exclusively in Italy but is committed to respecting and promoting human rights, both through strict compliance with the laws in all countries where it operates and through the adoption and application of its own internal codes of conduct and procedures.

The company strives to promote these standards, enshrined in international regulations and internal codes, to all collaborators, suppliers and business partners.

TREVISAN S.r.l bases all its activities on the following values:

Refusal of any corruptive act, fight and prevention of corruption, aware that it represents a heavy obstacle to economic, political and social development and a heavy distortion of the rules, fairness and transparency of the markets, with particular reference to that of public works.

General protection of human dignity in the form of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, culture, political opinion, sexual orientation, nationality, background and social status, union membership, age or disability, and anything else that may constitute discrimination or intolerance of diversity.

Maximum attention to compliance with regulations, a constant level of investment in equipment and staff training, together with maximum attention to the safety of its employees have always characterized the company’s approach to environmental, health and safety issues.


The company has decided to pursue an efficient management of skills and processes and has acquired the system certifications according to ISO 9001, 14001, 37001 and 45001.

It is in possession of the SOA certification for the planning and execution of public works falling into the categories OS27, OS9, OG10, OS19, OS30 and OG3.

It is also registered in the following Qualification Systems RETE FERROVIARIA ITALIANA S.p.A. for the works sector: SQ001 Interventions to the electric traction and energy plants (Categories LTE-001, LTE-002, LTE-003, LTE-004), SQ005 – Realization of the railway signalling plants (Category LIS-C) and SQ013 – Design and realization of technological plants for the emergency in the railway tunnels activated to the exercise (Categories TG-001, TG-002, TG-004 and TG-005).

It also obtained the SA 8000 certifications relating to the Social Accountability Management System and ISO 30415 relating to the management of human resources for aspects related to Diversity and Inclusion.

Interested parties can make reports and/or complaints in relation to facts and happenings that conflict with the principles of social responsibility adopted by the organization and with the contents of the SA 8000:2014 standard, by filling in a form, even anonymously:

Suspected corruption report

Trevisan srl has implemented an Anti-Corruption Management System in accordance with the ISO 37001 standard with the aim of preventing any active and passive corruption attempt and demonstrating to interested parties the intention to pursue the requirements of the anti-corruption standard.

The Management has identified the Compliance Function Manager (RFC) who, independently of other responsibilities, ensures compliance with the requirements of the ISO 37001 standard.

Anyone can report in good faith, or on the basis of reasonable belief, any doubts or suspicions in relation to attempted, alleged and actual acts of corruption, or any violation of the Anti-Corruption Management System.

The reports, which can also be sent by filling out a form, even anonymously, will be processed by the “Compliance Function” in order to protect the identity of those involved or mentioned in the report. The form must be used exclusively for 37001 reports. Other types of reports will not be taken into consideration.

Attestazione SOA

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

UNI ISO 37001:2016

Qualification RFI SQ005 LIS-C

Qualification RFI SQ013:

Qualification RFI SQ001:

Policy for Quality, Safety,
and Environment